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Dave Morgan and the Jailhouse Rockers

Bands and Singers come and go. But a few touch our lives and their music becomes a part of us.Elvis was one of those Entertainers. His songs will live on forever in the hearts of all his fans, old and young.

Many people have tried to impersonate Elvis to keep his music and spirit alive.When an Elvis fan meets someone that reminds them of Elvis they are drawn to them. This is how Dave Morgan and the Jailhouse Rockers began.

From an Elvis fan and a coincidental meeting with someone who looked like Elvis.
Cyrus Zaluske met Dave Morgan and because of his love for Elvis and his music, struck up a conversation. While talking Cyrus discovered that Dave was performing Kareoke in the area.

After there meeting Cyrus began to think about the possiblites of a band to do Elvis songs, but not just a regular band, A SHOW BAND. In the true style and grandure of Elvis. With the motto of Preserving the Memories of Elvis.

After meeting with Dave again and telling him his thoughts about the band, Dave was intrigued, and the wheels were put into motion to form the band. Del Dinicola, a friend of Dave's for years had been involved with other bands and groups. Dave knew that Del was an excellent keyboardist, and knew that his talent would bring a wonderful and energetic feeling to the band. Cyrus had many acquintances that were players, and after thinking through the names found 2 other members that he knew would bring in there talent and enjoy playing the music as much as he would. John Boos a drummer, and Steve Milligan a lead guitarist.

With the members together all that was left was to have fun and play the music. So come inside and get to know the band, and find out about upcoming shows.


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